International Box Office Mockingjay Part 2 Moves Closer to $600 Million

International Box Office: Mockingjay Part 2 Moves Closer to $600 Million

This is it, the silence before the storm big Star Wars and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 grabs participation of a number 1 spot at the international level.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 took $ 17.4 million over the weekend, pushing its total to the $ 326.4 million. Worldwide Mockingjay Part 2 sits at $ 574.3 million since it opened already all over the place a few weeks ago, and I am having difficulty seeing this go much higher than 630-650, 000, $ 000. Which will be a new low for the cycle Hunger Games, but even so I doubt anyone in this Lionsgate cry on. Gross combined Part 1 and Part 2 is already past $ 1.3 billion, a number that can not be independently reached Mockingjay than ever. So while the division was hurt in the last book of individual films, financially speaking it was a better idea could be made available to them. Now let's see how long it takes for them to provide the back with a series prequel or something like that (way too early for a reboot).

2, we have yet another Chinese adjustment of Journey to the West, this one called surprise - Journey to the West. I mean, is this really a surprise now? Large amount of money has made the past two silly there so of course they expel one another. The thing is a surprise - Journey to the West is not anywhere near the last few, but still good for the first time with $ 17100000.
Das Dinosaur good for 3 with $ 15.3 million. Currently in 47 international markets, Pixar Animation is best played in the United Kingdom ($ 10.3 million) followed by France ($ 8.8 million), Mexico ($ 8.5 million), Spain ($ 6,000,000), Italy ($ 5.4 million). Of these, comfort, and it has built up a good dinosaur in the early 79200000 $ internationally, which rises to $ 170800000 worldwide. Animation has yet to open in major markets such as Australia (December 26), Brazil (January 7), South Korea (January 7), Japan (March 12) and China (ND). Because it will not be higher than 130-140, 000, $ 000 in the United States, and the dinosaur need a good thing like that $ 300 million internationally to not be in the red zone, and unfortunately I do not see it happening. Or maybe Japan comes to the rescue ($ 100 million or so), it would not be unprecedented for the Pixar animation there.
In the heart of the sea was 4 with $ 13.7 million, it is still struggling with the beginning of a total of $ 41 million internationally. After two weeks of overseas and one locally, and in the heart of the sea has a $ 55400000 worldwide to show for it. Since the film seems to cost about $ 100 million to produce, which is not even close to where it should be, especially with the Star Wars this week. It pains me to say this because I really liked the film (in the minority on that one it seems), but unfortunately in the heart of the sea is another box-office flop Warner.
Break point rounds of the top 5 with $ 12.3 million to become the international total in the very early of $ 34.5 million. The majority of these funds from China (30.7 million $), where the film seems to play better than expected with what may be the lowest decline weekend to the weekend of the year in the country (12.1 million $ the first week compared to $ 10.2 million at the end of the week the past ). While a new edition opens on Christmas holiday in the United States, and it will not be in most of the largest international markets until January, so we will not be seeing again break point in the top 5 for a while.

In other news, box office obsession is now at $ 822400000, still occupies 6 ranked among the top film at all in 2015. Star Wars is clear that this payment to 7, but that's about as low as the latest James Bond can go.

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