Disney Pushes Star Wars : Episode VIII Back, Moves Pirates 5 Up

Disney Pushes Star Wars : Episode VIII Back, Moves Pirates 5 Up

Star Wars: The eighth paid for six months, and will now be out on December 15, 2017 instead of May 26, 2017, with the Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the dead do not get on a later date.
Only 17 months between the force and did not awaken the eighth episode does not seem enough considering that you have yet to start filming later, in the way that we should not be surprised. I think Disney understands that giving extra seventh episode 7 months in the oven will greatly benefit the film, but in doing so it has created another problem. The thing is that Avatar 2 is due out at about the same time as well. How totally insane that you will have consequences for the former film the highest revenue ever (Avatar) and current (and awakens power) is fighting on the same date?
Well, well first of all I am never gonna happen and one of them will move, in addition to that there is more at stake here than you think, specifically to Disney. Unlike DC vs. Marvel stuff over the date of May 6 (the civil war against Batman and Superman), which was more a game of chicken, and this is so much larger. What not many people know is just as much invested in the success of Disney Avatar privilege as is the case in the success of their own Star Wars. why? Because they have under the title, scheduled to open next year the position of Avatar (which was a very large investment and will require Avatar 2, 3 and 4 to be very popular), so they may know something we do not (2 Avatar is likely to be pushed to December 2018). As long as there are not any further delay of the script and principle photography on image 2, 3 and 4 should begin this summer. This is indeed why Fox might not be willing to commit to the date of December 2017 until now. If somehow does not intend to make that date, it could see 2 Avatar taking slot 25nd December and perhaps The Seventh kneeling on December 13. However I do not think that's a good idea for any film, it's still way too close. I think that we have to wait and see what happens.
So now that Star Wars: Episode transferred eighth, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales got slot May 26, 2017, which worked very well in the past for the privilege. Since then step release July 7 (former pirate history), still without a title Spider Man restart Sony gets it now, so it will be three weeks ahead of schedule (July 28) at the beginning. Will new Spider-Man made his debut in Captain America: civil war, in May.
Finally in July 28 with the now free of Spider-Man, Sony Jumanji reboot / remake will take the slot, where it moved from the set in the previous December 25, 2017 date.

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