GRAPHIC video footage of the meeting of the snow deer in high speed

GRAPHIC video footage of the meeting of the snow deer in high speed

There are deer meat for the table do not leave it back there and get this thing

This incident is sick deer is quite good tummy tuck on the front of the snow there was no time to respond to wonder what it seems that the incidence of such

Deer may have been betting it can get through and should have stopped to think about the bad decisions How can so that deer blind on the snow is not some small thing that can be missed it too large larger than deer anyway

These days deer are getting more and more bold There was a time when they were hiding from humans and they could smell and go in the other direction these days just come down to the people that they have no reason to be scared

This new generation of deer must have an idea that humans should fear moving them in school out on the roads that snowmobiles back down if this man was a huge hunter error for the deer, but they act like people do not 't even play that game anymore. Why do people think getting deer meat in stores

Watch it explode in the front of the snow

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