How romantic - making the genitals more fun by holding them in chocolate

How romantic - making the genitals more fun by holding them in chocolate

Have you ever made a copy of your genitals
From chocolate to sex toys, your privates can be used for all kinds of fun. Seriously guys  you will not be some kind of refer you to know your girl and masturbating to the selected template of your penis when you're not with her ? The best way to send flowers
Well, even though it seems like fun  it can be very awkward  Something like that cloning Willie turns junk into chocolate that is ..... cool? Oh and they also have one of the vagina so you can eat literally Pu $$ y Well  Chocolate Pu $$ y

All you have to do is hold the cold liquid genital area
What gotta do is to make this mixture  and place it in this device and put your own genitals on it  All within two minutes so as not to harden the mixture (no pun intended)  Also prepare for all this to get really a mess! Yes  really gross. Hey, if you meet those new Ms. it's a good idea to get some performance tests on the chocolate mold Wang before you can actually see  Bet now if you think you can not do that  Hopefully  it will not end up on Google Image Search  
It's easier for a woman to mold unwanted her than it is for a man  The reason is clear   women should not be raised  Who wants to play with a template of limp d ** k ? Yes do not do  But seriously  if you are a person who enjoys binging on chocolate may as well start eating chocolate Bonn 

If you are about to make chocolate from Bonner your template   and then share this information with your friends Facebook

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